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The White Manor (2020) for mezzo-soprano, cello, and piano

ca. 3 and a half minutes

The White Manor reflects the folk-like prosody and imagery of this text by Harrison Richardson. The poet (and friend) expressed the influence of Nick Drake on his poetry, leading me to include elements reminiscent of the 1970s singer-songwriter movement. With distinct rhythms, the vocal melody tends to float around the persistent drive of the piano, embodying a dreamy quality in its modality. While the vocalist communicates themes of heartbreak, introspection, and growth, the instruments create colorful harmonic environments. After experiencing an emotional journey, the vocalist emerges from a cascading texture to proclaim the most affirming line of the text: “I will be forever.”

Fall 2020

Lee Chapel, Stetson University

Gracie Caggiano, mezzo-soprano; Karina Miranda, cello; Luis Quiroz, piano

Caggiano_The White Manor (audio)
00:00 / 03:43

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